Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Lady Bug Art!

Ms. Shelby is helping Sam with his Lady Bug Art.

Learning Shapes!

Friday YOGA Class!

Sunflower Art!

Happy First Birthday Gavin!

Wacky Water Day fun!

Boys and their mud puddles!

Sponge Painted Strawberries!


This was the first trip to the Zoo that we signed up for an Animal Demo Class. It was well worth it! The children had a blast! They answered and asked many questions! They were very eager to learn and made us very proud out how much they has learned from our discussions in the weeks before the trip.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Wacky Water Day!

Ant Farm!

The children discovered an Ant Hill in the backyard, so we decided to make an Ant Farm! The children put out suckers for the ants to eat and then we placed it in a jar. The children were very excited to get an up close look at the Ants!

Cinco De Mayo

The Playroom celebrated Cinco De Mayo by having a Mexican taste test. We also listened to Fiestive music and shaking Maracas! After trying the different foods we made a graph of what taste we like and disliked.

Making Lemonade!

The children made Fresh squeezed Lemonade! Piper's lemon got away! :)

Block Area!

One of the favorite areas of the room is the block area! It is a great space for the children to learn how to share with one another. We have some great builders! Kady is ecspecially good at making tall trains!

Zoo Dramatic Play!

The children have been playing in a Dramatic Play area where they can tend to animals. They learned all about animals before their trip to the Zoo. The children used cages for the animals, but one day the children decided use the cages for themselves! It was pretty cute!

The Playroom!